Who is a Candidate for Farm Residency?

While some recovery residences are designed specifically for individual with specific needs (e.g.,severe mental illness veterans, mothers with children), the Farm project will not be a treatment center and thus those with special needs would not be qualified in the initial phases. The therapies provided at the Farm will be those inherent to life on the farm. We will also host AA/NA meetings, have art and music rooms and other therapies without clinical supervision. The Farm will follow the criteria and guidelines according to the National Alliance of Recovery Residences - New York as a lower one or two (or combination) level of support residence. A policy statement, The Role of Recovery Residences in Promoting Long-term Addiction Recovery by the Society of Community Research and Action describes the background, challenges, and recommendations regarding these residences.

Residency on the Farm is considered a blessing, a privilege, not a punishment. Whether you are coming from your parent's home, the street or jail makes no difference. You must agree to 100% abstinence from all substances. You must agree to work as part of a family and the community. Rents are expected to be paid on time and if you do not have a job, there will be jobs available within the farm community. You are welcome to live on the farm as long as you need to. Some people in recovery may need up to five years sobriety to have an 85% chance of being able to live the rest of their life in sobriety. The commitment to abstinence is to protect you and the other residents. It has to be zero tolerance.  There are guidelines in place for your re-entrance to the Farm if you feel the need to relapse. We feel that people who choose abstinence for their life deserve to have this chance. If you are in a medicated assisted treatment protocol, you may choose the Farm if ever you make a decision to commit to abstinence in your life. 

General rules are:

  • That you are an Ulster County resident.
  • You have completed detox and inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation 
  • You are able to strongly commit to being a Farm resident.
  • You agree and commit to the Farm’s policies and rules.
  • You commit to a no drugs no alcohol no tobacco policy. The Farm has a zero tolerance to protect all of its residents.
  • You agree to pay rent timely.
  • You agree to respect to farm staff and fellow residents always.

Disclaimer: This website is to help you find answers to your questions. We recommend seeking professional help to learn more.

The Farm is our vision for helping those in severe / crisis addiction. It is not yet in existence.

We ask that you help us make the Farm a reality.

Do You have Question? Call Or Visit us.
(845) 389-2961

PO Box 8035, Kingston, NY 12402
