Current News

Deember 2024

  • According to a warning by the CDC on December 5, 2024, last year nearly 70% of all U.S. overdose deaths were attributed to illegally manufactured fentanyls (IMF's) One of those was carfentanil, an altered version of fentanyl that is said to be 100 times more potent. Deaths from carfentanil rose more than than 700% in the past year--there were 29 deadly overdoses between January and June 2023, and 238  in that same time frame in 2024.

August 2024

  • One of three of  the studies funded by the IRS Outcomes Research Trust Fund Fees ( assessed on health insurers ) will study telehealth vs in-person opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment. The article notes that approximately 9,000 people in the U.S. die every month from drug overdoses even with the availability and easier access of  Buprenorphine. Buprenorphine is a medication which subdues the cravings one has for opioid drugs including heroin and fentanyl. The study will follow patients who leave the emergency room and are referred to an outpatient buprenorphine regimen via in-person clinics or via telehealth providers.  Currently, it has been shown that patients stay compliant with their medication for less than 6 months.  [Since this is the evidence-based answer to the problem of overdoses and deaths, the only thing evident to me is that more questions and answers need to be researched.]

June 2024

February 2024

  • Kingstonwire reports that the new one mile stretch of paved pathway called Midtown Linear Park and nicknamed 'needle park' is receiving attention from city and county officials in an effort to address the congregation of addicts. Two narcan boxes and a box for used needles has been placed on the path in an effort to reduce overdose deaths.
  • Behavioral health business reports that Acadia Healthcare, a service provider of many area rehabs, will be closing down traditional inpatient care in favor of more intensive outpatient care. Investors are largely positive about Arcadia's financial future.
  • The Daily Freeman reports that opioid related deaths are down even though there was a rise in known overdoses. They also reported that according to the Department of Mental Health, there were 517 non fatal overdoses reported in 2023, up from 494 reported in 2023 with 'only' 52 fatal overdoses in 2023 compared to 71 deaths in 2022. Article published 2/3/24 by Patricia Doxsey.

December 2023

  •  Associated Press reports that consulting Firm McKinsey and Co agrees to $78,000,000 settlement with insurers over opioids. "McKinsey worked with Purdue Pharma - the maker of Oxycontin - to creat and employ agressive marketing and sales tactics to overcome doctor's reservations about the highly addictive drugs." The article goes on to say that insurers said that these agressive tactics forecd them to pay for prescriptive opioids rather than safer and lower cost drugs, including over the counter painkillers. Insurers also argued that they also had to pay for the opioid addiction treatment that followed.
  • The results of the autopsy are in  and show that Matthew Perry died from acute effects of the drug ketamine. Ketamine is considered to be effective against depression and PTSD. It is described as having a dissociative effect casing the  user to feel "separated" from their body. It is considered safe when used under a doctor's care. Nonetheless, ketamine has also been shown to have addictive qualities and is often purchase illegally for recreational purposea In addition to the ketamine in his system, the report also said the coronary artery disease and Buprenorphine also contributed to his death. The buprenorphine level was found to be a therapeutic level which is considered safe unless used with other certain medications. Matthew Perry had battled addiction for many years as he describes in his published book, "Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing; A Memoir."  Matthew Perry died October 28, 2023 at age 54.
  • In Friday , December 8 edition of the Kingston Daily Freeman, Abe Uchitelle (D)- Kingston, said the budget takes significant strides to address some of the biggest issues like the opioid crisis.
  • Supreme Court Justices are wrestling with a nationwide settlement with Oxycotin maker Purdue Pharma that would shield members of the Sackler family who owns the company from civil lawsuits over the toll of opioids.

November 2023

  • According to a CNN article, published Wed. March 29, 2023, N.Kounang, J. Christensen and D. McPhililps, the FDA has approved the first over the counter version of the opioid antidote Narcan.All businesses, restaurants, schools and banks and encouraged to purchase Narcan for emergency use. However, the drug's maker, Emergent BioSolutions does not have information on how much this will cost. 
  • No, there is not a Suboxone Class Action Lawsuit for those who have suffered injuries and tooth decay. Rather, these lawsuits are pending consolidation into a multidistrict litigation (MDL).Multidistrict litigation is a special federal legal procedure designed to cut costs and increase efficiency in lawsuits involving similar cases. In any case, please be careful and take care of your teeth by regularly seeing your dentist.

  • The Ulster County sheriff says that  $400,000 federal grant will help expand mental health and substance abuse response. As reported in the Kingston Daily Freeman November 22, 2023,29% of all overdoses in the county were "intentional." Sheriff Juan Figeroa said that a two year grant from the US Department of Justice will allow his office to expand services some of which are now provided by ORACLE, by creating Support and Advocacy through Frontline Engagement ( SAFE ), a new support and advocacy program. He says that there will be two embedded teams - ine for substance abuse and one for mental health and behavioral health. The program is under the leadership of Juanita Hotchkiss, Director of Community and Incarcerated programs at the sheriff's department and Lt Chad Storey who will hire a clinical social worker able to make referrals and assessments, and a mental health peer advocate. This will allow the County to connect with more crisis services that it can currently. Hotchkiss has said that her office has begun to track the nature of every overdose referral and that this gives them a statistic regarding the "intention" of the overdose. She says that 28% of the overdoses were from people..." with the intent to harm themselves." This conclusion was a result of either a note left behind or as was told to the responders.
  • The Ulster County budget will continue the use of $2.,000,000 from the opioid settlement funding go for construction of a crisis stabilization center at the county's behavioral health center slated to open in 2024.

October 2023

  • Running unoppose, futere County Legislature Jeff Collin would advocate for the creation of more medically assisted treatment facilities which he says has been found to be one of the most effective methods of addressing the opioid crisis.

September 2023

  • A one year child died and three other children were poisoned by exposure to fentanyl in a NYS daycare facility.

May 2023

  • Ulster County officials report that the county had recorded 26 opioid related deaths and 195 opioid use overdoses thus far in 2023.

May 2023

June 2023

  • On July 7, 2023 N.Y. Gov. Hochul announced that more than $5.5 million would be awarded to support addiction outreach and engagement servies designed to serve underserved populations across NYS. This funding would be distributed through the New York State Opioid Settlement Fund. Services are to be delivered under two models, the Clinic Model (by OASAS) and the Street Outreach Model (by harm reduction providers).  The total Street Outreach Model awarded 12 Providers across NYS a total of $3,584,083.  In the Mid-hudson area, $306,250 was received through the Street Outreach Model.

    The Clinic Model (delivered by OASAS) awarded a $400,000 grant to the Samadhi Center, Inc which serves Delaware and Ulster Counties.

    This article further notes that NYS is receiving more than 2 billion through various settlement agreements with opioid manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies that were secured by AG Letitia James. A portion of all funding will go directly to municipalities with the remainder deposited into a designated fund to support prevention, treatment, harm reduction and recovery efforts  to address the ongoing opioid epidemic. [writer's note: I see nothing designated to short term or long-term recovery housing or in any treatment proposing abstinence and in the need to build recovery communities.]  Governor Hochul Announces More Than $5.5 Million Award to Support Addiction Outreach and Engagement Services for High-Need Populations | Governor Kathy Hochul







  • UC Executive Pat Ryan appointed a 26 member task force to identify gaps in the county's existing mental health and substance use disorder services. They will meet monthly from May to September to formulate the strategy. Members of the task force can be found in the article. (Daily Freeman, May 4, 2021)
  • Drug Dealer pleads guilty to manslaughter in overdose death of an Ulster County man announced David Clegg, Ulster County District Attorney. This was the County's first manslaughter conviction resulting from an verdose death. (The Times Herald-Record, Middletown N.Y. March 22, 2021)
  • Law Enforcement (ORACLE) expanded its services, launching a high-risk mitigation team that provides two peer-support staff and a social worker to respond to overdose reports.
  • Ulster County is to receive up to $3.6 million to combat opioid abuse announced NYAG, Letitia James.(Daily Freeman, October 26, 2021)
  • In a release from U.C. Executive Pat Ryan and a published article in the Daily Freeman on Friday, September 17, 2021, Ulster County will receive up to nearly $7,900,000 as part of a statewide settlement agreement with Johnson & Johnson and other opioid companies to be used as part of the county's effort to combat the opioid crisis. The first payment is expected February  2022 and will continue to receive payments over the course of the next 18 years.
  • An Ulster County Legislature committee has approved a resolution giving $112,000 to te Samadi Recovery Community Outreach Cemter to expand te center's peer outreach service. (Daily Freeman, November 3, 2021)


  • In 2020, Ulster County opioid overdose death rate was high than the rest of New York state.. Opioid ER visits were also high than the rest of New York state. 
  • Sixty beds were for mental health and detox patients were being provided at the Health Alliance Hospial in Kingston afer having been eliminated earlier in the year for COVID patients. (Daily Freeman, June 17, 2020)
  • Ulster County legislators have delayed accepting a grant of more than $500,000 from Columbia University to fight opioid addiction, a move described by County Executive, Pat Ryan as "malpractice". The $500,000 is an installment of a three year grant totalling $2,500,000 that Ulster County lawmakers approved last year. (Daily Freeman, June 18, 2020)
  • UC Executive, Pat Ryan and Ellenvill Regional Hospital President and CEO, Steve Kelley announced a new partnership that will expand the county's High Risk Miyigation Team to the city of Kingston to stregthen its reach into other parts of the county. This group will work closely with people struggling with addiction to be sure they receive comprehensive, personalized support and services.(Daily Freeman, August 11, 2020)
  • County Executive Ryan signed a resolution accepting $501,853 to help combat the opioid epidemic. To be used over three years, it is expected to prevent the use of opioids, treat addiction and promote recovery. (Daily Freeman, August 11, 2020)
  • Ellenville Regional Hospital received the Rural Resonses to the Opioid Epidemic Grant from the Office for Civel Rights, Office of Justice programs, US Department of Justice for $635,000 to develop an overdose response and fatality review team serving rural areas of Ulster County. (Daily Freeman, August 11, 2020)
  • The County was awarded $216,000 from the state Opioid Data to Action in grant funding to provise linkage to care and to improve provider and heath systems support. (Daily Freeman, August 11, 2020)
  • Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan declared a public health emergency due to the spikes in fentanyl related death in theh county.Local opioid related deaths between January and July 2020 were 171% highr tha the same period in 2019. The Sheriff's office will manage a data system to track the overdose spikes and reach out to people at risk of overdosing. (Daily Freeman, September 1, 2020)
  • The Ulster Regional Gang Enforcement Narcotics Team announce the seizure of more than 10,000 bags of heroin and fentanyl after the arrest of Timothy Scheleede, 29. of Kingston. (Daily Freeman, September 2, 2020)



  • According the an article in the Daily Freeman, Monday, September 23, 2019 by Patricia Doxsey, County Executive Pat Ryan announced that Ulster County was partnerig with Columbia University's School of Social Work and that over the next 3 years, Ulster County will receive $2,500,000 to help prevent the use of opioids, treat addiction and promote recovery. The county was also expected to receive a $216,000 grant from the Department of Health to help connect opioid -addicted residents to treatment services and prevent opioid related overdoses and deaths.
  • The Opioid Response As County Law Enforcement (ORACLE) launched in 2019 as an initiative of sheriff Juan Figueroa, seeking to educate the community through Narcan training, outreach and connection to individuals who had had prior overdoses.
  • Step One Kingston officially opened as a privately-owned behavioral health care center at 500 Aaron Court in Kingston. Like Step One Highland, it specializes i outpatient treatment of chemical dependency and alcohol abuse. 

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