Who we are

 We are a passionate and concerned group which includes parents, counselors, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, teachers, lawyers, business people, clergy, politicians, government workers,  recovering addicts, and addicts.  We want to save lives by any and all means possible. This includes sober recovery housing and the creation of recovery communities. The Farm project is intended to be a peer supported family community. We are envisioning the Farm to house 40 county residents in recovery by abstinence and we want to be a business model for other counties and states down the road to start their own recovery communities. 

This community effort cannot happen without the support of our own community. It is such a critical situation. Death and overdoses from illicit drugs is not going away. Grant money is being funneled into massive campaigns to make medication more available, increase out-patient services and local government support. Nothing is discussed for the need for sober recovery housing and recovery communities, an area seemingly neglected by government and insurance companies. 

We feel strongly that Recovery Housing is the missing piece in the treatment of addiction providing peer supported "family" recovery and much needed time in order to allow the brain the years worth of time to heal itself from the trauma brought on by the addiction.

We advocate for recovery housing, offering a lasting, healthy option for recovering addicts to live their lives in sobriety. 

For too many people suffering with addictions, what's offered as treatment and services does not go far enough. 

 Calling for Board Candidates!

If the vision of the recovery farm is close to your heart, won't you consider being part of its development?  Do you have skills, talents and energy we can use? Are you able to visualize and use critical thinking to assess the data and move forward with the plans? Is this mission close to your heart and do you understand the real need for the Farm? 

If you would like more information,please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Do You have Question? Call Or Visit us.
(845) 389-2961

PO Box 8035, Kingston, NY 12402


Disclaimer: This website is to help you find answers to your questions. We recommend seeking professional help to learn more.

The Farm is our vision for helping those in severe / crisis addiction. It is not yet in existence.

We ask that you help us make the Farm a reality.